Sunday, October 10, 2010


What do you think?  Do you think that the clothes you wear have something to do with your outer body image?  Are you over dieting, over exercising, or doing unhealthy things to maintain a certain body image? 

There are a group of Connecticut High School cheerleaders who believe that the length of their uniform's top, is too revealing.  They believe the tops are sending out the wrong message.  

There was an article that says, Study: Eating Disorders and Bare Midriffs - Cheerleaders "At Risk"  The study was done with regards to College Cheerleaders, but the below high school's cheerleaders agreed and protested. 

They intentionally wore the shorts to make a point
 The article is suggesting that it is these types of images that help to create eating disorders - amongst other things.  In order to look like they do in these types of uniforms, the young ladies sometimes go to extreme measures.

Has this effected your life in some way?  Or do you know someone who may be over dieting, or may have another type of an eating disorder?

***How can we, as sophisticated ladies, get the word out that we are all different - in sizes, shapes and colors?  That we all are special and unique to this society and to this world? 

Just like there are different shapes, sizes, colors and smells of flowers, we all are special flowers.***

Sign in to comment, and let us know your thoughts.  You never know who you might help.

Article written by Cameron Smith
Yahoo Sports Blog

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