Monday, September 20, 2010


I wonder if the early morning's soft yellow sun hates the darker colored afternoon sun;
And I wonder if the afternoon sun despises how beautiful the sun colors a sunset;

Now that I think about it, that's crazy, IT'S THE SUN!  No matter what color shines through, it's the sun, doing what it does, with all the extras.

The same is true about humans.  No matter what color our skin tone brings forth, WE'RE THE HUMANS!  Doing what we do, with all the extras.

I read an article that asked why a popular magazine lightened Gabourey Sidibe's (actress in the movie Precious) skin tone.

I didn't understand.  I mean people's skin tone could be different because of lighting.  As I understand it, now a days, the young folks are taking pictures of themselves in the bathroom, because the "lighting" is better.  Oh!?  For her picture, perhaps the lighting is just different?

I decided to check out another African American model, that I figured would be on the magazine's cover.

Cute picture!
 Yup, the "lighting" on her picture is pretty bright too.

So maybe that's just how the magazine takes their pictures?

I say, let's stop caring about the tone of someone's skin (light, dark, black, white, brown, orange).  Just like the sun brings forth different hues of yellow, so does skin tones.  The real beauty comes from what the spirit within the skin brings forth unto the earth.

Megan Fox - both pictures are by the popular magazine and both pictures have different lighting.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Today's word:

DEFINITION:(adjective) filled abundantly.
EXAMPLE:Graham's book is replete with wonderful stories about the famous people she has known.
SYNONYMS:full, abundant
DICTIONARY:American Heritage� Dictionary

Little Johnny's sentence - Nicki Minaj's butt is replete.  LOL 

What's your sentence?


Lottery Ticket

Kind of old now, but still a good pic.  Nice, clean fun.  Bow-Wow is cute and the story makes a good point.  It's about how a person's life changes when a large sum of money is introduced.  I remember this comedian named Robin Harris (creator of Bebe's kids).  He says that he was once asked, "now that you have money, are you going to change?"  To which Robin Harris responds, "you D@m$ right I'm going to change!" 

I agree, it's not the fact that you change, it's what you change into.

Lottery ticket - I liked!

By the way, the best friend in the movie (aka, Brandon T. Jackson) also played in a movie entitled: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.  So good, so funny!  Now available on Netflix or Redbox.

Social - Lite

Did you hear about T.I?
Getting in trouble with the law again?

Um hum.  I was just saying how good his movie Takers was.  And ATL was on TV for the 100th time - LIKED IT! :)

Any way, my prayers go out.  Success is hard to deal with, I guess, well, no, it's not, the bible says, thou shalt not act like you're all that!  When you're given a second chance to repent - REPENT!!!

We all will have to deal with success, whether it's having a really successful movie, having really great grades at school, or getting a promotion on the job.  No matter what, one success will lead to another success if you stay humble.  If not, you might have to get your urine tested - >: )

NY's Fashion week

Why is society so shapped by fashion? 
Guess it was that little thing that happened in the Garden of Eden.  You know, with the leaf and all.  

Every since then, we pay a little, or a lot, of attention to what we wear.

Here are a couple of people who were in NY last week paying a little attention as well.

Gwen Stefani

Gwen's husband and cutie pie son!

Heidi - Project runway

Ms. J-Lo

Ms. Kelly & Ms. La-La

The Kardashians

Tennis Great!

Whatever you do keep your fashion sophisticated! 

THE TEMPTATIONS lyrics - Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

So in love, sad as could be
'Cause a pretty face got the best of me.
Suddenly, you came into my life
And gave it meaning and pure delight.
Now, good looks, I've learned to do without.
'Cause now I know it's love that really counts.

'Cause I know that...
(Beauty's only skin deep, yeah, yeah, yeah.)
I know that...Beauty's only skin deep, yes indeed.

Now you speak your words warm and sincere.
And let's me know that your love is near.
A pretty face you may not possess
But what I like about you is your tenderness.
A pretty face maybe some guys taste
But I'll take lovin' in it's place.

'Cause I know that...
(Beauty's only skin deep, yeah, yeah, yeah.)
And you know that...
Beauty's only skin deep, oh baby, oh yeah.
(Oh yeah, Oh yeah)

(Beauty's only skin deep, yeah, yeah, yeah.)
(Beauty's only skin deep, oh yeah.)
Yes it is.

My friends ask, what do I see in you
But it goes deeper than the eye can view.
You have a pleasin' personality
And that's an ever lovin' rare quality.
Now show me a girl, a girl that's fine
And I'll choose the one with true lovin' every time.

I know that...
(Beauty's only skin deep, yeah, yeah, yeah)
And I believe that...
Beau- know that beauty's only skin deep.

So if you're lookin' for a lover. (Oh yeah)
Don't judge a book by it's cover. (Oh yeah)
She may be fine on the outside (Oh yeah)
But so untrue on the inside. (Oh yeah)


Did you hear about the girl from Basketball Wives?  You know the real pretty one - over there in the blue.  The one that was saying that she has a good man and basically that her life was better than the other ladies because she wasn't going through what they were going through?

Well according to the news, the police were called out to the residence and he (her good man) was arrested for domestic violence.  Umm-humm.  But now, we can't believe everything we hear, so, you know.

But ladies, we have to stop putting other ladies down for what they are going through in their relationships.  Like every human being on this planet, no-one (or relationship) is perfect.  We all go through something.  And if you haven't, like I was told by this really, really, really, older lady :) (she knows who she is) - just, keep-a-living.  Just, keep-a-living.

I pray that she and her guy can work things out.  I pray that they recognize that they are just as vulnerable to the pressures of society as everyone else. 

But like the bible says - thou shalt not talk about what your man ain't doing because he probably is - and worst.  Amen.

Sign up to follow me and let me know what you've heard out there!  And remember to keep it Lite


Have you seen the movie Takers?

Well, I'm not about grading movies, like giving it an A, B, or C, or F even.  I just let you know if I liked it, and, I LIKE-ED IT!!! :)  If for nothing more than the cute guys.  The action was pretty good too.  I read one review that said the story lacked substance --- Oh well!!! ha, ha, ha, the guys are hot!  Girls, check it out for the eye candy - guys, looking for a swagger, check it out! 
The story made sense!

Sign up to follow me - let me know your thoughts. 
What movie should we see next?


TOP POP Ladies

Popular music is and always has been a huge influence on society.  Even though we don't know entertainers personally, we pay close attention to them.  Reading magazines, joining Facebook pages, following blogs and Twitter, we spend a lot of time 'trying' to find out all we can about them.  So I'm curious, out of the list of popular ladies below, who would you say is the most sophisticated?

Alicia Keys - I know she has this baby daddy drama going on, but she does seem to carry herself like a lady.

Beyonce' - She's very well put together - but does she have secrets?

Katy Perry - She's cute.  Seems very liberal - kisses boys and girls :)

Ke$ha - Hummmm...tik-toc!

Lady Gaga - Beautiful young woman, but is she sophisticated or complicated!?

Miley Cyrus - I mean Hanna Montana, I mean Miley Cyrus, I mean Hanna...Miley.  I'm confused.

Nicki Minaj - I don't know her well, but she seems a little like Lady Gaga, nobody can be Lady Gaga!

Rihanna - Sigh...I like Rihanna, but the whole Chris Brown thing...sigh.

Taylor Swift - I don't know many of her songs, but she was really cute in that Valentine movie.

Justin Bieber - oops he's not a girl :) - but he 'is' really cute.

Sign up to follow me and let me know your responses.  Then I will find out all I can and let you all know next week who we think is really a Sophisticated Lady!

Love Sets Boundaries

Inspired by Charlay King

Misery loves company, but good company does not love misery.  Why do the people that we love, sometimes say mean things to us, when most of the time it is 'them' that has come to 'us' to talk in the first place?

What do you do when that person you love, be them a parent, a friend, a boyfriend/girlfriend, or someone you hold in high esteem, says mean things to you?  If you stop and think about it, it is obvious that person has some, or maybe even a lot, of issues within themselves;  But their words hurt!  Especially when you care for the person and believe you really have to tolerate the drama they bring (here is a good time to use that ole negro spiritual - the devil is a lie!).

You do not have to tolerate any form of abuse, be it physical, mental or spiritual.  However, what you will need to do is set up boundaries.  Just like you know how not to walk by that falling gate that has Pitty the Pit Bull, on a poodle's leash, behind it, you have to also know when not to go "there" with misery.  Pit Bull's do what they do, so does misery!  You don't have to be mean, or use your tongue hurtfully, you simply create a different way of handling things.  Just like choosing a different route AROUND Pitty :). 

The sad part of misery is, it can unconsciously get passed over to you.  It will then create a fear within you that you will somehow, without choice, become miserable too.  Break the cycle, choose a different route around Pitty.

Do you have boundaries?  Sign up to follow me and share your route.

MTV's 2010 VMA Fashions

So we're the audience right?  The fans?  But let me ask, who gets to say what's fashion and what's, aum, something else?

As a fan, I think Ciara looked beautiful at last night's VMAs.  Tall, elegant and her confidence displayed pure class.  Sophistication at it's finest.

Now, what part of fashion is this? 

As a fan, aum, when will I ever get to wear this outfit?  It looks fun, and fun, oh, I guess it looks fun.  Again, when would I ever get to wear it?

Here are some others:


We all are very familiar with OUTER beauty:

Mascara - eye lashes - lip stick - lip gloss - blush - foundation - weaves - colored hair - Baby Phat - Apple Bottoms - Nike - stilettos - the list is endless

And when the above has not been taken to "level 4" - as so many females will take it - the above items can enhance your outer beauty even more.

Sophistication comes when you work from the inside-out.

When you enhance your INNER beauty, you may not even have to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars, trying to make your light shine.  Remember, lights are 'inside' of the house, they can only turn on when you get inside, find the switch, then turn them on.  We all have inner switches, it's just about going in, finding them, then turning them on.

Here are a couple of things to help.

Watch your words - You shouldn't have to curse people out.  Sometimes a word may slip out, but curse words should not flow out of your mouth.  Say loving things, joyous things, peaceful things, have patient words for others, say kind things, good things, be gentle with your words, have self control of your tongue, (wink - some of your probably already know these "fruits").

- Drink plenty of water - 8 glasses a day.  It helps fill you up and helps flush you out - literally, stay close to a bathroom.

- Exercise - Whether you do 'a' sit up a night or 50 a night; Whether you Tae Bo or just Tae; Whether you do yoga, or jog, power walk, or go to the gym, your body needs you to exercise it.  When you get older, you'll be glad you did!

- Engage your mind - "The mind is a terrible thing to waste."  Start by putting something really great into you mind, first thing in the morning.  Prayer, meditation, a beautiful song, a proverb, an affirmation.  Start the day off right, it's sure to end right.

- Amen - However you say thank you, say it.  Be thankful for what you have.  Like that ole school saying goes - "There are people in Africa starving."  And guess what, starvation is moving all around the planet, you could be next, so be thankful for what you have.  Say thank you to people, your parents, your teachers, your friends and family, the bus driver, the store clerk, etc.

Turn on your inner light and let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Sign up to follow me and let me know how you beatify yourself from the inside out.