Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Keke Palmer - A Black Girl That Rocks!

On Sunday, November 7th, BET hosted its1st annual Black Girls Rock, show.   
I'd have to say my applauds went to Keke Palmer.

KeKe Palmer

Keke said that she began her career at 9 years old.  Wow, that was when she played Akeelah, in Akeelah and the Bee.  She is now 17 (born August 26, 1993) and I'd have to say that I am proud that she has not gotten herself caught up in the problems that so many young girls in Hollywood find themselves in.  It is very hard trying to transition from the tweens (9 - 12), into your upper teens (17, 18, and 19) and then on into young adulthood (21+). 

I have my eye on her - my hands in prayer for her - and my wishes of success for her.

Not only does this Black Girl Rock,
she is also an example of  a Sophisticated Lady.

Applauds to  Keke Palmer!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dance your way into health

Just Dance 2
by Wii

As we all know, exercise is an important part of a healthy body.  I've tried a lot of exercise routines and at last I've found 'my' niche. 

Can you say - JUST DANCE 2? 

This game is so fun, I love it.  I don't play many Wii games, but I do love this one.  Gets you up and moving.

It is fun - while I'm doing it;
funny - when a group of us are doing it; 
funnier, when my 5 year old is up and jamming!

I use the sweat portion of it that says I am burning calories. 

Whether I am or not, I love the funky music and hip dance moves.  Do it every day and I'm sure you'll lose some pounds, with a smile on your face.

And you will sweat!

Demi Lavato - Cut!!!

Los Angeles Times Headline

Demi Lovato's crisis shows the risks of teen stardom

Demi Lovato is known for her roles in such Disney shows as, Sonny with a ChanceCamp Rock and Princess Protection Program.  The article suggest that being a star child is very stressful and what Demi is going through right now are some of the consequences of it.  She is hurting herself by cutting herself and she has an eating disorder.


According to the article, the crisis has forced her to "withdraw a concert tour with the Jonas Brothers to seek treatment for 'emotional and physical issues.'"

Why is this headline news when thousands of our young people are suffering from emotional and physical issues everyday?  I'm sorry it is happening to her but here is my advise...to her and other young people across the world.


You have to get it up and out.  Whatever is bothering you, whatever is on your mind, you have to talk about it.  You have to talk about it.  You have to talk about it.  You have to talk!  If you don't, just like Demi, you end up doing things that can seriously hurt you.  Even kill you. 

The dark side of life wants you to think there is no hope.  The dark side of life wants you to think that you can't survive, that you cannot come up with a better way of doing things.

Here are some of the things that the dark side of your brain might say to you:
  • Shhh, don't tell anybody, anything.
  • They will laugh at you.
  • They will think you are dumb, or stupid, or weird.
  • Nobody, will understand.
So the dark side of your brain begins to suggest bad things:
  • Have a drink.  Have another.
  • Take a smoke - a cigarette, maybe even some marijuana.
  • Use some drugs.
  • Have all the sex you want.
  • Cut yourself.
  • Don't eat that - don't eat at all.
The worst thing your dark side will say to you, "You should just kill yourself!"

CUT and scene!
You must stop listening to the dark side of your thoughts.

You must talk about it.  You must be able to talk to someone.  Demi can go and see a therapist but there are a lot of people who do not have the ability to do so, so here are some ideas of people YOU can go and talk to:

  • Parents.
  • Grandparents.
  • Sisters or Brothers.
  • Aunts or Uncles.
  • Friends.
  • Talk Groups.
  • Neighbors.
  • A friend's parent, or a friend's sister, or brother, or aunt, or uncle.
  • Little lady on the bus.
  • Old man at the corner store.
  • A teacher or principal.
  • The list is endless.
And #1 - ME :)
(all of us - sign in and talk about it)

Here are some of the things that the light side of your brain wants you to know:
  • There is a truth!
  • There is an answer!
  • You are not the only one that has gone through it!
  • You can change things whenever you want to!
  • You have the power!
  • You have the smarts!
  • You have the know how!
  • You are creative!
  • You are Love!

Movie Review

Waiting for 'Superman'

I'll start this review with a verse from my song of the week:

Wake up all the teachers, time to teach a new way
maybe then they'll listen to what'cha have to say...

(Also, I must correct the time for the Piedmont Theater, Oakland, CA
1st show begins at 1:15, but I made it to the 3:45 show)

Now, this movie/documentary was just another demonstration of how America's systems do not work!  I cannot say it was a huge eye opener because if you are a student or the parent of a student, or sister, or brother, or auntie, or uncle of a student, then you already know that the education system is not designed to help ALL children succeed.

With that being said, I encourage you to catch the movie to get a greater understanding of how America's education system is failing our children of tomorrow.  Personally, being involved in my own children's education, I know it's all a big catch 22!  Teachers need to do better, but sometimes it's hard without the help of parents and a good school system (a school system that won't allow non-productive teachers to stay in a classroom, to "TEACH" our children...negative!).

As well, you will get a greater understanding of what you can do to help - STUDENTS can get a better of understanding of what 'they' can do to succeed.

Because of the way it was presented - 2thumbs up!!!

For more information check out http://www.waitingforsuperman.com/

Wake Up Everybody

The version
by Teddy Pendergrass

Wake up everybody no more sleepin in bed
No more backward thinkin time for thinkin ahead
The world has changed so very much
From what it used to be
there is so much hatred war an' poverty

Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way
Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say
they're the ones who's coming up and the world is in their hands
when you teach the children teach em the very best you can.

The world won't get no better if we just let it be
The world won't get no better we gotta change it yeah, just you and me.

Wake up all the doctors make the ol' people well
They're the ones who suffer an' who catch all the hell
But they don't have so very long before the Judgement Day
So won'tcha make them happy before they pass away.

Wake up all the builders time to build a new land
I know we can do it if we all lend a hand
The only thing we have to do is put it in our mind
Surely things will work out they do it every time.

Repeat Chorus