Sunday, October 3, 2010


You smell so nice!

Take a nice long bubble bath. 

Take a nice hot shower.

Dry off, lotion down, then add a splash of something that smells real nice.

Be the first to comment on this and WIN a $50 gift card to Bath and Body Works!

first to comment was SweetpieBrit (October 9)
Look for other offers in months to come...


Recession Rips At US Marriages, Expands Income Gap

Marriage Rate Fell To Record Low In 2009

This headline grabbed my attention because it made me question marriage.  How can a recession have something to do with the one you love?

Money equals love?  Or are people so consumed by money that they are forgetting to love?

What do you think?

Social - Lite

Bishop Eddie Long

What do we have here?
 Ut-oh, I'm not in it.  But you know, they say that the Bishop was 'doing' some young boys.  Tisk, tisk, tisk, or as the texting world says, SMH.

Well, you know what the bible says about that - Thou shall mind thy own business!  Thou who has not done wrong, throw a stone at the Bishop and hit him in the head and see if that flying stone don't turn around and hit you right back in the head - or something like that!  Again, I'm not in it.

I've never followed the Bishop or heard any of his teachings, but it would be apparent to me that a lot of folks do and have followed him - otherwise he wouldn't have made national news. 

I pray that the ones he did lead to Christ (Jesus Christ), be thankful that he led them there, in a nick of time (rolling with Jesus is definitely the way to roll).  And I pray that the spirit of truth deals with this situation, because the bottom line is what God says, not what the news says.


Book of the Week - What It Do!, by Natalya LaBauve-Williams
Review By Britney Brooks

Review::: Ok, so I'm not much of a reader, don't like un-realistic love stories, and I've read enough books about anorexic girls, so when I decided to read this book I was real sceptical.  I don't cuss, so I don't like a book filled with too much profanity.  I don't live in Atlanta or anywhere in the South, so I didn't feel like reading about that, and I don't care about the under dog becoming the popular girl in the end, so don't bother me.  But when I read this book, it was none of that.  I was actually surprised, I read it pretty quickly and I've never read another book like it.  The main character goes through what the average teenager would go through in any place of the world.  Confusion, decisions, and drama. Just the right amount of drama to keep you reading more, but not too much to fall into the category with other books.  Let's just say that girl is crazy, but smart & I can relate because, I'm an intelligent young lady myself, lol, and she got a bunch of crazy people surrounding her (my family).  What It Do! is definitely on my winners list. I loved It!


Contributed by Patricia King

As a teacher myself I found that a lot of parents dont participate in their childs or childrens education for a child, that leads to not knowing what to do in life. 

Here are 10 things that a parent can do to help their child with their education:

1.       Sit down with your children and help them with their homework.
2.      Talk to them and let them know how important education is to their future and how hard it would be to get a good paying job if they do not have an education.
3.      Do a pop up visit to see what their class is about.
4.      Encouragement is really important, not to just the child, but to parents too.
5.      Its never too late for the parents to be educated.
6.      With this world changing so fast your child wont be able to keep up  but they will get passed up please, you cant let this happen.
7.      Just sit down with your child and use flash cards associated with things or objects.
8.      Make learning fun.
9.      When your child sees that you are interested, it will motivate them.
10.     All a child wants is your time.  That shows a lot of love from you.  Thats all they want.  Try it, it works!

Patricia is retired from Oakland's Unified School District's, Childhood Developement Centers

Wake Up Everybody

by Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes

Wake up everybody no more sleepin in bed
No more backward thinkin time for thinkin ahead
The world has changed so very much
From what it used to be so
there is so much hatred war an' poverty

Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way
Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say
Cause they're the ones who's coming up and the world is in their hands when you teach the children teach em the very best you can.

The world won't get no better if we just let it be
The world won't get no better we gotta change it yeah,
just you and me.

Wake up all the doctors make the ol' people well
They're the ones who suffer an' who catch all the hell
But they don't have so very long before the Judgement Day
So won'tcha make them happy before they pass away.

Wake up all the builders time to build a new land
I know we can do it if we all lend a hand
The only thing we have to do is put it in our mind
Surely things will work out they do it every time.

Repeat Chorus