Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Who's Your Daddy!!!!

Time Magazine has a really great article:

Passing as Black: How Biracial Americans Choose Identity

Boris Kodjoe
Alicia Keys
Kimora Lee

It was a long but easy read.  In a nutshell I believe what has happened is that, that golden rule of 1 drop of black - "you black" - has taken affect.  So now, according to the article, most biracially mixed Americans are identifying more with being black.  They identify by choosing ethnic clothes, music, language, etc.

Good to know, but hopefullly at some point, our world will stop 'identifying' with things - ethnicity, sexuality, ect. and we all can say what Popeye says, "I yam, that I yam!"

Read article: http://healthland.time.com/2010/12/16/passing-as-black-how-biracial-americans-choose-identity/#ixzz19QKH7WqU about bi-racial people.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Book Review

A Tale Of Urban Horror
Night Biters

- If you know the Bay Area, you'll like this book - I remember the Sears store.

- If you know about taggers (which I didn't :)), and skateboarders, you'll like this book.

- If you know anything about beats and rhymes (Omari has a serious CD with great lyrics - PAY CLOSE ATTENTION), you'll like this book.

- If you like super bad chicks (Jennifer) that kick butt (which you know I do :)), you'll like this book.

Author A.J. Harper, is so creative (the Crimsons and the Cobalts - I get it), he has taken the night and shown its purpose.  From people turning into bats, to young men with superhuman strength, Night Biters shows exactly what happens in the night - while we're at home safe and sound :). 

I can best relate to Sister and Brother, Omari and Jamilah with their, "what the what?  What just happened here?  How did this person get there so fast?"  Sergeant Bright knew something fishy was going on too!

All in all, I enjoyed reading the book and you will too. 

Let me know what you think.

MTV's Teen moms

Teen Pregnancy is on the Decline

I love these girls and their beautiful babies
Article by Kelly Marrone
What Will MTV Do?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published its preliminary findings of all things birth rate for America in 2009 on Tuesday.

The Daily Beast’s Casey Schwartz discusses the point that even though teen pregnancies have gained popularity in the media, the actual birth rate experienced quite a drop last year. She claims that it is baffling researchers.

With shows like MTV’s 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom alongside Bristol Palin performing on Dancing with the Stars and gaining media attention for her teen pregnancy, it’s interesting that as the public intrigue with teen pregnancy increased, the actual teen pregnancies decreased.

Schwartz writes that in the 70 years since birth rates records were kept, the rate among American teenagers is now the lowest it has ever has been. In 2009, 39.1 in 1,000 teenagers had a baby, which compared to the 41.5 in 2008 that is a 6 percent decrease.

“Six percent is a huge drop,” said chief program officer for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy Bill Albert. “To get a birth rate dropping 6 percent in one year is really quite remarkable.”

Natalya's opinion
I like this article!!!!  I love babies, but babies having babies is so hard.  I watched MTV's 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, those young ladies had it hard.  It was not pretend.  When a baby comes into your life, it's not about 'you' anymore.  That's hard for a teenager to swallow.

What are your thoughts?  Let me know.

How was your Christmas?

I had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas. 
I always remember the reason for the season. 
I love Jesus and I love Santa Claus!!! :)

I think you have to believe in the magic, if nothing else.  So many people have lost their belief in the magic and can only believe in what they can see - things that they 'think' money can buy them.  But it's the MAGIC that brings forth the money, it's the MAGIC that brings forth things inside of your imagination  - to life!  When you don't believe in the magic and use the magic to bring forth all of the GOOD things inside of your imagination, you miss out on some really good uses of your 5 senses:

Sight (seeing the beauty all around you)
Sound (hearing sweet music, like Mahaliah Jackson)
Smell (Christmas Dinner aromas)
Taste (Christmas Dinner aromas :))
Touch (A hug from family and friends)

Ahhh - Can't beat the Magic!!!

And if you don't want to believe in the magic
- so be it, your choice -
I'm not talking to you.

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Mahalia Jackson
Go Tell It On The Mountain

Go tell it on the mountain

Go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born


Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born halleluya (2x)

The sheppard kept their watchin
All over the sheep
He hold the light from heaven
That shone a holy light, everybody

Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born

Born this bright glorious morning
Christ is born today
He came to redeem every sinner
And to wash, their sins away, halleluya

Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills Lord, everywhereGo tell it on the mountain

That Je……sus Christ……. Is……. born