Sunday, October 10, 2010


Reviving Ophelia
On Lifetime Channel
Monday, October 11, 2010
9:00 pm et/pt

Join me as I watch this movie about teen dating violence.  Then let's meet back here next Sunday, October 17th and talk about it.

I hope you are not suffering from this type of violence - or know anyone who is.  If so, please seek help immediately!

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Let's talk!

Does Prayer Work?

How many of you believe that prayer works?  Even though it is a person's choice in today's world, there is no doubt that prayer has touched and saved millions of lives.

Tonyita Rogers has hosted a prayer line since December 16, 2009.  During that time she has prayed for, and along side of, thousands of people who believe that prayer works! 

If you just need to know that someone cares, Tonyita is definitely that person.  Below is an interesting story of her at work.

...I send out the Daily Word (email) and God birthed in me to create a weekly prayer line, which has been in existence since Dec 16, 2009. 
In this lifetime, we all experience highs and lows and need an anchor to be able to deal with the challenges of life.  I'd like to share what happened when I transposed a number on my cell phone.  I sent the following messages and was so amazed by the dialog that God allowed to occur.  It was quite comical when I stepped back and realized that it WAS who God wanted me to communicate with, although I thought it was a mistake.

(Tonyita in red) You are a valued woman of God!  Stay the course and know that I love you.
(The mistaken texter in blue) Thanks, I love you too.  God will always be in my heart right next to you.  Smoke week everyday!
Who is this?
U texted me
I pray for your addiction to be loosed.  Your brain will be totally fried if you continue.  Your body is a temple where God can dwell.  Be mindful and know that I love you.  Stay the course seeking Jesus in all you do.
I am lost in this world of infinite sorrow.  Weed has taken over my life.  I can't escape the grasp that it has on me.  I pray every night to find the light.
How old are you?
Who is this?
The weed is a temporary escape from reality.  Total up how much you are spending on it for a month and compare that to what you could be saving.  I used to be somewhat like you but I had a different addiction.  Prayer does change things.  Have a good evening.
(end of texting for the day)
(New day) F$@k you stop texting me.
See..that's not a good way to start your day.  Are you high right now?  I thought we were on a good foot.  I love you anyway, Don't allow Satan to use you today.  Learn to love yourself as Jesus does.

...Nevertheless, it serves why we ought not pass judgement and just continue to serve in a manner that is pleasing to God. We never know who will be blessed by the content, smile, action or show of love. Staying the course, doing it Jesus Style.
Tonyita... email or 510.332.3352 for contact.

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Kimora Lee Simmons has a new line.  What do you think?

Kouture by Kimora available at Macy's
affordable prices

Link to Kimora's new line


What do you think?  Do you think that the clothes you wear have something to do with your outer body image?  Are you over dieting, over exercising, or doing unhealthy things to maintain a certain body image? 

There are a group of Connecticut High School cheerleaders who believe that the length of their uniform's top, is too revealing.  They believe the tops are sending out the wrong message.  

There was an article that says, Study: Eating Disorders and Bare Midriffs - Cheerleaders "At Risk"  The study was done with regards to College Cheerleaders, but the below high school's cheerleaders agreed and protested. 

They intentionally wore the shorts to make a point
 The article is suggesting that it is these types of images that help to create eating disorders - amongst other things.  In order to look like they do in these types of uniforms, the young ladies sometimes go to extreme measures.

Has this effected your life in some way?  Or do you know someone who may be over dieting, or may have another type of an eating disorder?

***How can we, as sophisticated ladies, get the word out that we are all different - in sizes, shapes and colors?  That we all are special and unique to this society and to this world? 

Just like there are different shapes, sizes, colors and smells of flowers, we all are special flowers.***

Sign in to comment, and let us know your thoughts.  You never know who you might help.

Article written by Cameron Smith
Yahoo Sports Blog

Reach Out and Touch (Somebody's Hand) by Diana Ross

(Written by Nickolas Ashford/Valerie Simpson)

Click here for video

Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can
Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can

(Just try)
Take a little time out of your busy day
To give encouragement
To someone who's lost the way
(Just try)
Or would I be talking to a stone
If I asked you
To share a problem that's not your own
We can change things if we start giving
Why don't you

Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can
Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can

(Just try)
If you see an old friend on the street
And he's down
Remember his shoes could fit your feet
(Just try)
Try a little kindness you'll see
It's something that comes very naturally
We can change things if we start giving
Why don't you
Reach out and touch
Why don't you (Why don't you)
Reach out and touch somebody's hand

Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can
Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can