Sunday, November 28, 2010

Date Rape

In the movie, For Colored Women, one woman was date raped.  Unfortunately, this is something that happens too often to women - at this point in life, probably men too.  Like my blog's opening song says, "I Want To Know What Love Is".  We're all just looking for love. 

So, here are my thoughts about date rape.

1.  It's usually not about the act of sex - it's about power.

2.  Any person that thinks they can just take something from you, is a spoiled brat!  Only children take toys from other children.

3.  If someone aggressively tries to take something from you, 9 times out of 10, it's probably because someone aggressively tried to take something from them - and probably did. :(

4.  People need to feel powerful in some sort of way.  Conquering another person gives this weak minded person power - in their mind (it's not true, they are weak for doing it).

So, notice the pattern here?  The problem lies within the other person - not you. 


This act of violence is terrible, but don't let it stop you for continuing to look for love.  God's love! 

BUT NOW - you don't wear red to a crips' party and you don't wear blue to a bloods' party.  You don't wear a doe's perfume into a den of lions and you don't take your pit bull over to .... house.  Okay!? :)

I'm not a therapist, or PH.D, or none of that.  I'm just an auntie-cousin that loves all of my Sophisticated Ladies and that's my opinion.  I'm here to talk.

Talk back :)

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