Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prince - a concert review

Prince – ...    PRINCE!!!

I have to say I love this guy!  His concert was awesome. 

I treated my mother to the Prince concert because back in the day she was a die heart fan!  Because of it, I know most all of Prince's old school songs. 

Back in the day I thought he was a little weird (sometimes) but I went to his concert and I 'really' like Prince.  Nice to see how he's matured :).

Of course he has to be in his 50s so he wasn't jumping off of tall speakers and riding in on motorcycles, etc., but he still sounded like the good ole Prince.  Even my mother was up dancing - with her bad foot.

He did everything from Purple Rain to Controversy.

Nice clean show - awesome stage - cool back up singers - Ms. Sheila E (you go girl!) - and a tight band (as usual)!

2 Thumbs UP!

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