Sunday, September 26, 2010

Culture - Night at the Opera

Who knew that an evening at the Opera could be so interesting...

A scene from Figaro

Contributed by Noble Hughes,
What’s not to love about Mozart?  Yes, that Mozart with a weird hairdo and classical music!  And last night was Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco.  Clear blue skies, slight cool breeze, patchy fog in the horizon, all set the mood inside the quaint opera house.  I’m not an opera connoisseur or a critic, but I love going to the opera because after a full day at work, it’s quite refreshing to be awed, enchanted even, to listen to the music of Mozart, and to watch a lively performance on stage.  The Marriage of Figaro was a stellar production worth a night out in the city.  My thought, it was a maddeningly fantastic opera.  Quoting Richard Scheinin from, ‘It’s like being inside a night-at-the opera painting by Degas.’  Indeed.

Speaking of Degas, at the de Young Museum, Post-Impressionist Masterpieces from the Musee d’Orsay – Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cezanne, and Beyond – would be on display starting September 25, 2010 thru January 18, 2011.  So check it out.  The de Young Museum is located at 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118 (415) 750-3600.

Noble Hughes is a short story writer.  Her first story Aida was published in an anthology (Love & Lust, 2008) and her second was published in another anthology (Hotel China, 2009) both published by the Hong Kong Writers’ Circle.  For more information, post a comment and Mrs. Hughes will respond.

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