Sunday, October 3, 2010

Social - Lite

Bishop Eddie Long

What do we have here?
 Ut-oh, I'm not in it.  But you know, they say that the Bishop was 'doing' some young boys.  Tisk, tisk, tisk, or as the texting world says, SMH.

Well, you know what the bible says about that - Thou shall mind thy own business!  Thou who has not done wrong, throw a stone at the Bishop and hit him in the head and see if that flying stone don't turn around and hit you right back in the head - or something like that!  Again, I'm not in it.

I've never followed the Bishop or heard any of his teachings, but it would be apparent to me that a lot of folks do and have followed him - otherwise he wouldn't have made national news. 

I pray that the ones he did lead to Christ (Jesus Christ), be thankful that he led them there, in a nick of time (rolling with Jesus is definitely the way to roll).  And I pray that the spirit of truth deals with this situation, because the bottom line is what God says, not what the news says.

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