Sunday, February 20, 2011

Domestic Violence.

Happy Birthday
Tanya Hill-McCall

Today is the birthday of my cousin, Tanya, who was killed by her husband - she would have been 44 years old today.

Why did her husband take her life - Was it for the love of money?  I don't know, but it is something that is going on in our world today - Domestic Violence.

What causes domestic violence - Selfishness?  I don't know, but our world definitley needs to put a stop to it!

I know the bible says love your wife as you love yourself - if you hurt your wife does that mean you unconsciously want to hurt yourself?

I know domestic violence goes both ways,
but today I am not talking about women who hurt men,
we can save that for another day. 
Today, I am talking about the growing number of men
who continue to hurt and kill women.

I don't have an answer.

I do know that I miss my cousin and I don't understand why she had to die. 

So that it's not in vain, I dedicate this day (February 20th) of my blog to her.
I love you Tanya.

Please help put a stop to Domestic Violence.

If you have some thoughts on the matter, please share.

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