Sunday, February 20, 2011

Movie Review - Neflix

The Stoning of Soraya M.

For some strange reason this movie attracted my attention.  I clicked on it from our Wii game console and just like that it was streamlined from Netflix and onto my television screen.

Talk about domestic violence, Soraya M's story is an example of domestic violence at its highest.

Soraya M. is another strong woman that endured hurt, pain, then death, from a man that said he loved her - her husband.

According to the story, her husband wanted a younger wife.  He wanted a divorce so that he could go and have this younger wife - okay fine - go have her, but also stay committed to your vows.  Take care of what you already have.

This "MAN" told his wife that the other woman had more money than she did and that was one of the reasons why he wanted a divorce.

Needless to say, his wife did not want the divorce, but knowing that she would eventually have to get one, she took a job and began making her own money.  When her husband saw things, he became jealous, set her up by saying that she was committing adultery and in their town, the conviction for adultery is being stoned to death.

The producer and director of this movie made sure you could truly understand what stoning to death meant...I cried.

I will not let Soraya M. die in vain.  I will tell anyone and everyone about what happened to her.  In my opinion, she died because of a selfish man & money!


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