Sunday, February 13, 2011

Parent, Teacher Association

Guess who is on the PTA board again :) - me!

Natalya, loves the kids!!! 

The PTA is about, parents, teachers and the community, coming together to make things better in the system of educating our youth, and we need it.

Just yesterday I heard of two incidents of young children being molested - BY OTHER CHILDREN - 'inside' of institutions designed as a safe haven for our children to get educated and play.  What the what!? :(

I was at a school board meeting and as I listened, the folks at the meeting were saying the same old thing about the system - and what we as parents need to do - as 10 years ago.  I was on the board with my oldest daughter back then. 

My questions is, if things in the world have changed - why hasn't the school system?!  Well, all I can do is my part.

I am now apart of the PTA and will do my very best to make things as good as I can for the children; help assist the teachers; get assistance from the community; and provide as much information and guidance as I can to the parents - to get them involved.

Let me know your thoughts or ideas.

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