Sunday, February 13, 2011

Who Moved My Cheese?

By Dr. Spencer Johnson.
 This is a book about how to accept change.  Change is inevitable, whether you are prepared for it on not.

Things are cold, you grab your coat, maybe an umbrella.
Things begin to warm up, you might be able to put away your umbrella, exchange your coat for a sweater.
It's hot!  Throw your sweater in the closet, grab a pair of shorts and a tank top and head to the beach!
Things are starting to cool down again.  Exchange those shorts for a pair of jeans, but you might still be able to wear the tank top, just grab that sweater again.

Then it begins all over again - Winter.

That is the system we have all gotten used to.  So then why - is now - in the middle of winter, are we reaching 80 degree temperature weather marks?  I don't know, but it is definitely a change.  My birthday falls on January 22nd, and that is winter.  Never in a million years would I have thought I could possibly have myself a picnic - I didn't - but I could have.  The weather was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, sun shine, blue skies and warmth.

That's an easy example of change that I could think of, but what happens when the change is harder to accept?

Death - Lost of a job - Lost of a home - Lost of hopes and dreams - Friendships change -
Children grow up - Parents grow old - Institutions change - Lost love

The list is endless!

Who Moved My Cheese is written about how to accept all kinds of change.  When someone moves the cheese that you are so used to going to, what do you do?  In the book - which the characters are two mice - one character keeps trying to find the cheese (the system) in the same old place that it's used to finding it.  The other character realizes it's gone and it's time to move on.  Time to figure out a new way to get the same results.

My thoughts - when you find that your cheese has been moved - SOMETHING'S CHANGED - evaluate the new situation, then create a new way of doing things, learn the new system.

Chaos, is what you find when people try to keep things the way they were, when things have changed.
Order, is what you find when people have accepted that things have changed and they create new way of getting the same results. 

Which person are you?  What are you finding in your life, order or chaos?

Let me know your thoughts.

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