Sunday, November 7, 2010

Movie Review

Waiting for 'Superman'

I'll start this review with a verse from my song of the week:

Wake up all the teachers, time to teach a new way
maybe then they'll listen to what'cha have to say...

(Also, I must correct the time for the Piedmont Theater, Oakland, CA
1st show begins at 1:15, but I made it to the 3:45 show)

Now, this movie/documentary was just another demonstration of how America's systems do not work!  I cannot say it was a huge eye opener because if you are a student or the parent of a student, or sister, or brother, or auntie, or uncle of a student, then you already know that the education system is not designed to help ALL children succeed.

With that being said, I encourage you to catch the movie to get a greater understanding of how America's education system is failing our children of tomorrow.  Personally, being involved in my own children's education, I know it's all a big catch 22!  Teachers need to do better, but sometimes it's hard without the help of parents and a good school system (a school system that won't allow non-productive teachers to stay in a classroom, to "TEACH" our children...negative!).

As well, you will get a greater understanding of what you can do to help - STUDENTS can get a better of understanding of what 'they' can do to succeed.

Because of the way it was presented - 2thumbs up!!!

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