Sunday, December 26, 2010

How was your Christmas?

I had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas. 
I always remember the reason for the season. 
I love Jesus and I love Santa Claus!!! :)

I think you have to believe in the magic, if nothing else.  So many people have lost their belief in the magic and can only believe in what they can see - things that they 'think' money can buy them.  But it's the MAGIC that brings forth the money, it's the MAGIC that brings forth things inside of your imagination  - to life!  When you don't believe in the magic and use the magic to bring forth all of the GOOD things inside of your imagination, you miss out on some really good uses of your 5 senses:

Sight (seeing the beauty all around you)
Sound (hearing sweet music, like Mahaliah Jackson)
Smell (Christmas Dinner aromas)
Taste (Christmas Dinner aromas :))
Touch (A hug from family and friends)

Ahhh - Can't beat the Magic!!!

And if you don't want to believe in the magic
- so be it, your choice -
I'm not talking to you.

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