Sunday, December 26, 2010

MTV's Teen moms

Teen Pregnancy is on the Decline

I love these girls and their beautiful babies
Article by Kelly Marrone
What Will MTV Do?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published its preliminary findings of all things birth rate for America in 2009 on Tuesday.

The Daily Beast’s Casey Schwartz discusses the point that even though teen pregnancies have gained popularity in the media, the actual birth rate experienced quite a drop last year. She claims that it is baffling researchers.

With shows like MTV’s 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom alongside Bristol Palin performing on Dancing with the Stars and gaining media attention for her teen pregnancy, it’s interesting that as the public intrigue with teen pregnancy increased, the actual teen pregnancies decreased.

Schwartz writes that in the 70 years since birth rates records were kept, the rate among American teenagers is now the lowest it has ever has been. In 2009, 39.1 in 1,000 teenagers had a baby, which compared to the 41.5 in 2008 that is a 6 percent decrease.

“Six percent is a huge drop,” said chief program officer for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy Bill Albert. “To get a birth rate dropping 6 percent in one year is really quite remarkable.”

Natalya's opinion
I like this article!!!!  I love babies, but babies having babies is so hard.  I watched MTV's 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, those young ladies had it hard.  It was not pretend.  When a baby comes into your life, it's not about 'you' anymore.  That's hard for a teenager to swallow.

What are your thoughts?  Let me know.

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