Sunday, October 24, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October),
I would like to share a poem by a survivor!

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“I Know the Lord and He Loves Me”
by Karen Bishop Jackson

Had my yearly mammography.
Couldn’t wait to see, what the results would be.
Thanked the Lord for loving me.

The result wasn’t what I hoped it would be.
But I know the Lord and He loves me. 

How many times did the doctor’s plan on cutting me?
It really didn’t matter, for I know the Lord and He loves me.

How many times did I hear someone say,
“don’t worry baby, you will be okay”?
But whatever you do, don’t forget to pray.

How many times did I hear someone say,
don’t worry “Karen,” you will be okay?
But whatever you do don’t forget to pray.

Unless you’ve been diagnosed, then it was easy for you to say.
I know the Lord loves me, but I still had to pray.

8 treatments of chemo then I could go.
Radiation 6 weeks every day, burning my skin killing me slow.
The good news was, the Lord never let me go. 

17 treatments of a drug called Herceptin.
If it wasn’t for the Lord, I wouldn’t have ever accepted.

I woke up one morning and had quite a scare.
What in the hell happened to my got dam hair?

I looked in the mirror and saw an empty space.
I said to myself, my eyebrows was once in that space.
But, I kept my head up.
For I could have been, in what they call a better place.

Unless you’ve been diagnosed, then how could you know?
How I was feeling, hell I didn’t even know.
But, I know the Lord and He loves me.

Through it all my husband and child were praying for me.
I know the Lord and He loves me.

My husband loves me unconditionally, for he proved his love and stood by me.
Such sad eyes watching the chemo and radiation hurting me.
Being strong, telling me to hold on.
And if we pray, it will make our love grow stronger each day.

Family and friends praying for me.
Asking the Lord to remove the cancer from me.

Dear Lord, I prayed for you to take the cancer away.

Thank you Lord for loving me.
For now, I am cancer free.

Thank you Lord for loving me.

Do you or someone you know have cancer?
Post a comment and let us know what you're going through.

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