Sunday, October 24, 2010

A woman's right to vote

November 2nd don't forget to vote!

1920 women were granted the right to go to the polls and vote.

*Women were innocent and defenseless, but they were jailed nonetheless for picketing the White House, carrying signs asking to vote.

*And by the end of the night, they were barely alive.  Forty prison guards wielding clubs and their warden's blessing went on a rampage against the 33 women wrongly convicted of 'obstructing sidewalk traffic.'

*Available on Netflix, Iron Jawed Angels, is a graphic depiction of the battle women waged so that women could pull the curtain at the polling booth and have a say.

*Pass this on to all the women you know.  Get out and vote and use this right that was fought so hard for by very courageous women of our past.  Whether you vote democratic, republican or independent party - remember to vote.

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