Sunday, October 24, 2010

What's up with Rapp?

While watching the BET Hip Hop Awards the other night, Mike Epps said something that caught my attention.  He said, "we have to start having fun again."

Now Mike Epps is probably somewhere close in age with me, so I could definitely understand what he was talking about.  Back in the day, listening to Rapp was fun.  With songs like, King of Rock, You've Got To Chill, Friends by Whodini, My Radio by LL, I Wanna Rock Right Now, the list is endless - but the lyrics made sense.  Now the songs are about, money, getting high, how many women they can mack on and how 'not' to respect anyone!  And really shoot em - kill em and go to jail!

For my blog's song of the week, I used Rapper's Delight.  When Rapper's Delight first came out, everyone loved it.  But I could remember the folks from New York saying that it was fake Rapp.  The SugarHill Gang's style was nowhere near what Rapp stood for.  So is what we are listening to today what Rapp stands for? 

I would hope that with all of the 'money' that these young men are suppose to be making the songs would be more like, I'm the King of Rock Records, or With all these stacks, I Just Chill! 

But it's not like that - not to me at least.  Seems like the fellas and women are either smokin', illn' or willn' & dealn'.  Now-a-days instead of saying, "I would like to thank God..." they are saying, "Free Wheezy!"  For real?

I'm like Mike Epps, let's bring the fun back!

What do you think?  Post a comment.

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