Sunday, October 24, 2010

Love - Teen Dating Abuse

Teen Dating Abuse
by Hester Hampton
check out her blog at

Did you know that Teen Dating Abuse is one of the most unreported and undocumented violent crimes?

The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, and Bureau of Justice Statistics provided:  "Amongst female victims of intimate partner violence, a current or former boyfriend or girlfriend victimized 94% of those between the ages of 16-19."

Approximately 1 in every 5 female high school students reported being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.  Females ages 16-24 are the most vulnerable to intimate partner violence than any other age group - at a rate almost triple the national average.  Why is this?

Music, videos, television and the media play important roles in the lives of teenagers.  Love is no longer a strong emotion shared between two people.  It is a temporary fix built on lust and degradation, particularly, those of our young women.

Further, young women equate love with sex, violence and designer name brands, instead of mutual love and respect, which are the two most prominent factors in any relationship (both young and old).  Previously, I spoke to a group of young ladies ranging in ages 12 to 14 at a local middle school in the area where I live.  Prior to the meeting, I polled each young lady and asked her thoughts regarding the incident surrounding Rhianna and Chris Brown.  The results of the poll revealed, over ninety-five (95) percent of the girls in the classroom believed Rhianna deserved to be hit by Chris.

I hear it all started over Rhianna reading his cell phone - hum.

Chris' status as an entertainer and the fact he's "cute" suggested to the young girls that Rhianna deserved to be physically assaulted by the multi-talented young man.  This was the mindset of over forty girls polled.  When asked if this was the first time he'd struck her, the young ladies all agreed it was more than likely that he'd hit her before.  But, all the young ladies contended the abuse was the fault of Rhianna and not Chris:

"She should have kept her mouth shut.  She ain't nothing but a slut, anyway.  Besides, he was too fine to be with her, anyway.  Plus, I heard she was sleeping with Jay-Z".

There's that cell phone again!

Ladies, remember, love is sweet, generous and kind.  It is never demeaning, hurtful or degrading.  It is a feeling shared by two people, who compliment each other.  When you're sad, love is sad.  When you're happy, love is happy.  It wants what is best for you and not what's best for it.  It is mutual emotions that once felt will soar you higher than you could ever imagine or believe.  Love won't ball its fist to strike at you, but it will hold out it hands to comfort you.

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