Sunday, September 19, 2010


We all are very familiar with OUTER beauty:

Mascara - eye lashes - lip stick - lip gloss - blush - foundation - weaves - colored hair - Baby Phat - Apple Bottoms - Nike - stilettos - the list is endless

And when the above has not been taken to "level 4" - as so many females will take it - the above items can enhance your outer beauty even more.

Sophistication comes when you work from the inside-out.

When you enhance your INNER beauty, you may not even have to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars, trying to make your light shine.  Remember, lights are 'inside' of the house, they can only turn on when you get inside, find the switch, then turn them on.  We all have inner switches, it's just about going in, finding them, then turning them on.

Here are a couple of things to help.

Watch your words - You shouldn't have to curse people out.  Sometimes a word may slip out, but curse words should not flow out of your mouth.  Say loving things, joyous things, peaceful things, have patient words for others, say kind things, good things, be gentle with your words, have self control of your tongue, (wink - some of your probably already know these "fruits").

- Drink plenty of water - 8 glasses a day.  It helps fill you up and helps flush you out - literally, stay close to a bathroom.

- Exercise - Whether you do 'a' sit up a night or 50 a night; Whether you Tae Bo or just Tae; Whether you do yoga, or jog, power walk, or go to the gym, your body needs you to exercise it.  When you get older, you'll be glad you did!

- Engage your mind - "The mind is a terrible thing to waste."  Start by putting something really great into you mind, first thing in the morning.  Prayer, meditation, a beautiful song, a proverb, an affirmation.  Start the day off right, it's sure to end right.

- Amen - However you say thank you, say it.  Be thankful for what you have.  Like that ole school saying goes - "There are people in Africa starving."  And guess what, starvation is moving all around the planet, you could be next, so be thankful for what you have.  Say thank you to people, your parents, your teachers, your friends and family, the bus driver, the store clerk, etc.

Turn on your inner light and let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Sign up to follow me and let me know how you beatify yourself from the inside out.


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