Monday, September 20, 2010


I wonder if the early morning's soft yellow sun hates the darker colored afternoon sun;
And I wonder if the afternoon sun despises how beautiful the sun colors a sunset;

Now that I think about it, that's crazy, IT'S THE SUN!  No matter what color shines through, it's the sun, doing what it does, with all the extras.

The same is true about humans.  No matter what color our skin tone brings forth, WE'RE THE HUMANS!  Doing what we do, with all the extras.

I read an article that asked why a popular magazine lightened Gabourey Sidibe's (actress in the movie Precious) skin tone.

I didn't understand.  I mean people's skin tone could be different because of lighting.  As I understand it, now a days, the young folks are taking pictures of themselves in the bathroom, because the "lighting" is better.  Oh!?  For her picture, perhaps the lighting is just different?

I decided to check out another African American model, that I figured would be on the magazine's cover.

Cute picture!
 Yup, the "lighting" on her picture is pretty bright too.

So maybe that's just how the magazine takes their pictures?

I say, let's stop caring about the tone of someone's skin (light, dark, black, white, brown, orange).  Just like the sun brings forth different hues of yellow, so does skin tones.  The real beauty comes from what the spirit within the skin brings forth unto the earth.

Megan Fox - both pictures are by the popular magazine and both pictures have different lighting.

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