Sunday, September 19, 2010

Love Sets Boundaries

Inspired by Charlay King

Misery loves company, but good company does not love misery.  Why do the people that we love, sometimes say mean things to us, when most of the time it is 'them' that has come to 'us' to talk in the first place?

What do you do when that person you love, be them a parent, a friend, a boyfriend/girlfriend, or someone you hold in high esteem, says mean things to you?  If you stop and think about it, it is obvious that person has some, or maybe even a lot, of issues within themselves;  But their words hurt!  Especially when you care for the person and believe you really have to tolerate the drama they bring (here is a good time to use that ole negro spiritual - the devil is a lie!).

You do not have to tolerate any form of abuse, be it physical, mental or spiritual.  However, what you will need to do is set up boundaries.  Just like you know how not to walk by that falling gate that has Pitty the Pit Bull, on a poodle's leash, behind it, you have to also know when not to go "there" with misery.  Pit Bull's do what they do, so does misery!  You don't have to be mean, or use your tongue hurtfully, you simply create a different way of handling things.  Just like choosing a different route AROUND Pitty :). 

The sad part of misery is, it can unconsciously get passed over to you.  It will then create a fear within you that you will somehow, without choice, become miserable too.  Break the cycle, choose a different route around Pitty.

Do you have boundaries?  Sign up to follow me and share your route.

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