Sunday, September 19, 2010

Social - Lite

Did you hear about T.I?
Getting in trouble with the law again?

Um hum.  I was just saying how good his movie Takers was.  And ATL was on TV for the 100th time - LIKED IT! :)

Any way, my prayers go out.  Success is hard to deal with, I guess, well, no, it's not, the bible says, thou shalt not act like you're all that!  When you're given a second chance to repent - REPENT!!!

We all will have to deal with success, whether it's having a really successful movie, having really great grades at school, or getting a promotion on the job.  No matter what, one success will lead to another success if you stay humble.  If not, you might have to get your urine tested - >: )

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